- A.J., cook at the Apostle Bar (LIQUOR)
- Akker, computer hacker (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Albino for Jesus (LOST SOULS)
- Alex, caller on WHIV (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Alix, drummer of band Suncolor Graph (“The Elder”)
- Alto saxophone (anthropomorphic) who approaches Zach in Birdland
- Mrs. Amaya, chemistry teacher at Seely's school (“The Goose Girl”)
- Andrew, best friend of Lucian (“Missing”)
- Anna, maidservant in the Stone household (“The Curious Case of Miss
Violet Stone”)
- Anthony, painter; lover of Rose LeBlanc (“Essence of Rose”)
- Lianne Apple, food critic for Big Easy magazine (“Marisol”)
- Arnie, guard, Painswick Prison (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Axel, co-owner of New York antique shop; lover of Rob (“Nailed”)
- Bad Mouse, evil rodent (“The Bad Mouse”)
- Bailey, bass player for Fly (“The Ocean”)
- Shannon Wilson Bell, New Orleans tourist (LIQUOR)
- Mrs. Shannon Wilson Bell, New Orleans tourist (LIQUOR)
- Terrance Bell, dishwasher at Escargot's, cook at Liquor (LIQUOR;
THE BIG D; “A Season in Heck”)
- Ben, sideshow barker (“A Georgia Story”)
- Jerod Biggs, chef at Tequilatown (LIQUOR)
- Billy, gun fetishist (“Saved”)
- Birdy, victim of Jay Byrne and Andrew Compton (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Steve Bissette, editor of Taboo (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Jack Black, member of Tenacious D (“Marisol”)
- Black cop who gives Tran back to Jay (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Black jive-talker at upper window in the French Quarter (THE
- Blackie, guard, Painswick Prison (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Bobby, young son of Paul and Jen (“The Elder”)
- Anthony Bonvillano Jr., owner of the Apostle Bar (LIQUOR)
- Evangeline Rigaud Bosch, mother of Zach (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Joseph Bosch, father of Zach (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Zachary Bosch, computer hacker and general troublemaker (DRAWING
BLOOD; EXQUISITE CORPSE; “Fuck It, We're Going To Jamaica!”; “Vine
of the Soul”)
- Botanica proprietress (“O Death, Where Is Thy Spatula?”)
- Johnnie Boudreaux, pilot of swamp boat that houses pirate radio
- Boy with missing tooth whom Louis and Howard take home (“His Mouth
Will Taste of Wormwood”)
- Boy at club who goes to river with Christian (LOST SOULS)
- Boy, victim of The Artist (“Toxic Wastrels”)
- Boy who sells acid to Puss Robicheaux in French Quarter (“Toxic
- Boy gang leader, Hong Kong (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Ann Bransby-Smith, ex-girlfriend of Steve Finn (LOST SOULS; “Stay
- Simon Bransby, father of Ann; amateur scientist (LOST SOULS)
- Ray Brinker, assassin of Seth Grealy (PLASTIC JESUS)
- Dr. Brite, coroner of Orleans Parish (“Monday's Special”; “O Death,
Where Is Thy Spatula?”; “Marisol”; “The Heart of New Orleans”)
- Calvin Brody, schoolmate of Gary and Rickey (THE VALUE OF X)
- Bronwen, Noel's friend (“Lantern Marsh”)
- Brother, brother of Siamese twins (“Angels”)
- Walter Brown, blues singer, character in comic drawn by Trevor
- Terry Buckett, proprietor of Whirling Disc Record Store in Missing
Mile, NC; sometime drummer for Lost Souls? and Gumbo (LOST SOULS;
DRAWING BLOOD; “The Rest of the Wrong Thing”)
- William S. Burroughs, writer (“Vine of the Soul”)
- Butch, friend of Rosalie Stubbs' son Chris (“The Feast of St. Rosalie”)
- Lysander Byrne, Captain of the Krewe of Onan (“The Devil You Know”)
- Lysander Devore Byrne (a.k.a. Jay), serial killer (EXQUISITE
Devil You Know”)
- Mignon Devore Byrne, former Queen of Comus; wife of Lysander
(EXQUISITE CORPSE; “The Devil You Know”)
- Cagliostro, mage, Freemason, and Italian grocer (“Mussolini and
the Axeman's Jazz”)
- Cajun man in Houma, LA (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Callie, young daughter of Anthony LaGuerre (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Calvin, guitarist for Missing Mile, NC band Gumbo (DRAWING BLOOD; “The
Rest of the Wrong Thing”)
- Canadian tourist in the bar at Hotel Bienvenu (LIQUOR)
- Fria Canning, mountain climber (“System Freeze”)
- Alice Cannizzaro, helper at Italian-American Heritage Festival
Feast of St. Rosalie”)
- Soren Carruthers (a.k.a. Stigmata Martyr), founder and engineer
of pirate radio station WHIV (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Mrs. Carstairs, proprietress of French Quarter voodoo shop (“Missing”)
- Miz Catlin, friend of Ghost's grandmother; herbalist (LOST SOULS)
- Cedric, cook at the Jolly Corner (THE VALUE OF X)
- Gregory Chapman, murdered drug dealer (“Monday's Special”)
- Mark Charbonnet, wine purveyor (“The Feast of St. Rosalie”)
- Charlie, redneck who tries to stop Steve Finn from robbing Coke
machine (LOST SOULS)
- Chi Gwai, henchman of Gong Sut Fo (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Chinese undertaker (“Xenophobia”)
- Chris, younger son of Rosalie Stubbs (“The Feast of St. Rosalie”)
- Chris, waiter at Crescent (LIQUOR)
- Christian, bartender; flower-seller (LOST SOULS; THE SEED OF
- Clarise, transvestite singer at Hong Kong jazz club (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Mr. Claude, gentleman friend of Brenda Crabtree (THE VALUE OF
- Cleve, artist; lover of Leah (“The Ash of Memory, the Dust of Desire”)
- Clive, London photographer (“Entertaining Mr. Orton”)
- Terry Cobb, singer/guitarist for the Kydds (version #1) (“Arise”)
- Colin, Rastafarian who helps Trevor and Zach escape to Jamaica
- Andrew Bytheway Compton, serial killer from England (EXQUISITE
- Cootie, cook at Terrio's Po-Boy's (THE VALUE OF X)
- Absalom Cover, Secret Service agent (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Brenda Crabtree, mother of John Rickey; accountant at Lemoyne's
- Jessy Creech, mother of Nothing (LOST SOULS)
- Wallace Creech, father of Jessy; would-be Van Helsing (LOST SOULS)
- Creole lady, proprietress of French Quarter bookshop (DRAWING
- The Cuban, murderer of Jared Poe in Angola Prison (THE LAZARUS
- Fehim Effendi Curcić, mayor of Sarajevo (“Mussolini and the
Axeman's Jazz”)
- Jonathan Daigrepoint, murderer of 15 little boys; great-uncle
of Mignon Devore Byrne (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Daisy, bartender at Shanghai dance hall (“Pin Money”)
- Joseph D'Antonio, ex-New Orleans police detective
- Darin, Los Angeles TV comedy writer (“Pansu”)
- David, French Quarter neighbor of Christian (LOST SOULS)
- Oscar De La Cerda, Lenny Duveteaux's attorney (LIQUOR; THE BIG
- Miz Deliverance, grandmother of Ghost; herbalist (LOST SOULS; “Night
Story 1973”)
- Dennis, drummer for the Kydds (PLASTIC JESUS)
- Devi, Calcutta prostitute (“Calcutta, Lord of Nerves”)
- The Devil, a.k.a. Bill Bubb (“The Devil You Know”)
- The Devil's cat (“The Devil You Know”)
- Diving company owner in Cairns, Australia (“Nothing of Him That
Doth Fade”)
- Diving instructor (“Nothing of Him That Doth Fade”)
- Luigi Donatello, Italian grocer in New Orleans (“Mussolini and the
Axeman's Jazz”)
- Joe Donovan, New Orleans cop (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Drifter killed by Christian in Missing Mile (LOST SOULS)
- Drugstore manager (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Dr. Martin Drummond, doctor who autopsies Andrew Compton (EXQUISITE
- Drunk at Kingston street party (“Nailed”)
- Benjamin DuBois, murdered lover of Jared Poe (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Lucrece (née Lucas) DuBois, sister of Benjamin Dubois;
M2F transsexual (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Duncan, Irish bartender who starts melee at Hotel Bienvenu (LIQUOR)
- Stefan Duplessis (a.k.a. Phoetus), computer hacker who rats out
- Lenny Duveteaux, celebrity chef/restaurateur (LIQUOR; THE BIG
- Dylan, drowned twin brother of Dylan (“Footprints in the Water”)
- Eco-protesters in French Quarter (“Toxic Wastrels”)
- Eliot, ex-boyfriend of Ann Bransby-Smith (LOST SOULS)
- Ella, accountant at Cooper Stark's NYC restaurant Star K (THE
- Emergency room doctor, Charity Hospital (LIQUOR)
- Emergency room nurse, Charity Hospital (LIQUOR)
- Harvey Etienne, attorney for Jared Poe (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Falada, horse in Seely's dream (“The Goose Girl”)
- Crimso Farquhar, some kind of wizard (“O Urizel!”)
- Shayne Fenton, bartender at Marisol (“Marisol”)
- Fido, French Quarter gutterpunk; victim of Jay Byrne (EXQUISITE
- Dave Fiorello, CIA student, friend of Rickey's (THE VALUE OF
- Agent John Fine, Matrix controller (“System Freeze”)
- Steve Finn, guitarist for Lost Souls?; clerk at Whirling Disc
Record Store in Missing Mile, NC (LOST SOULS; THE SEED OF LOST
SOULS; “Hotel
California”; “The South Central Rain Story”; “Wanna Kitten?”; “Angels”; “How
To Get Ahead in New York”; “Stay Awake”; “America”)
- Bert Flanagan, Lenny Duveteaux's business manager (LIQUOR)
- Fletcher, New Orleans cop (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Nina Fox, bassist for the Isle of Man (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Francis Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary (“Mussolini and the
Axeman's Jazz”)
- Bob and Jim Frenchette, local couple (“Homewrecker”)
- Friedrich, old man with property in the Warehouse District (LIQUOR)
- Dru Frixton, telekinetic boy (“Footprints in the Water”)
- Mike Gantt, guitarist for the Isle of Man (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Mark Garou, member of band Suncolor Graph (“The Elder”)
- Kyle Gass, member of Tenacious D, sometime paramour of Dr. Brite
- Gatekeeper of City (“O Urizel!”)
- Gene, singer in band (“A Georgia Story”)
- Willy Gerhardt, chef (LIQUOR)
- Linda Getty, New Orleans police detective; former partner of
Frank Gray (THE LAZARUS HEART; THE BIG D; “Monday's Special”)
- Ghost, psychic/sensitive; singer for Missing Mile, NC band Lost
Souls? (LOST SOULS; THE SEED OF LOST SOULS; “Night Story 1973”; “Hotel
California”; “The South Central Rain Story”; “Wanna Kitten?”; “Angels”; “How
To Get Ahead in New York”; “Stay Awake”; “America”)
- Gideon, Jamaican freedom fighter (“Nailed”)
- Girl who jumps off building (“Optional Music for Voice and Piano”)
- Girl with dead rat on Violin Road (LOST SOULS)
- Girl who steals chair from Perique's house in French Concession,
Shanghai (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Gong Sut Fo, Triad boss; uncle of Ji Fung (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Gong Wa Toi, father of Ji Fung (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Ruben Gonzalez, inmate at Angola Prison (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Granddad, grandfather of Billy (“Saved”)
- Frank Gray, New Orleans police detective (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Seth Grealy, frontman of the Kydds (version #2) (PLASTIC JESUS)
- Kenneth Halliwell, lover and murderer of Joe Orton (“Entertaining
Mr. Orton”)
- Chase Haricot (real name: Jasper Ducoing), Times-Picayune restaurant
critic/author (LIQUOR; THE BIG D)
- John Henry Harrod, District Attorney of New Orleans (THE LAZARUS
- Hedo, runner/busboy at Liquor (LIQUOR)
- Helmut, maitre d' at Lenny's (LIQUOR)
- Mr. Henry, old man who sees Trevor and Zach kiss in diner (DRAWING
- Hey Boy, bum Ghost sees in New York (“How To Get Ahead in New York”)
- Herbert Hinchcliffe, associate of Gong Sut Fo (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Sherlock Holmes, detective (“The Curious Case of Miss Violet Stone”)
- Howard, decadent aesthete (“His Mouth Will Taste of Wormwood”)
- Annelise Hummingbird, wife of Jack (“The Ring”)
- Jack Hummingbird, antebellum writer (“The Ring”)
- Kinsey Hummingbird, ex-mechanic; proprietor and bartender of
the Sacred Yew nightclub in Missing Mile, NC (LOST SOULS; DRAWING
Rest of the Wrong Thing”)
- Miles Hummingbird, Kinsey's great-great-great-uncle; private
in Confederate army (LOST SOULS; THE SEED OF LOST SOULS;
- Hustler in French Quarter (“A Season in Heck”)
- “I,” unnamed narrator, computer hacker (“Becoming the Monster”)
- “I” (unnamed narrator), half-American native of Calcutta (“Calcutta,
Lord of Nerves”)
- “I” (unnamed narrator), bassist in band (“A Georgia Story”)
- “I” (unnamed narrator), nephew of Uncle Edna (“Homewrecker”)
- “I” (unnamed narrator), hapless kid (“O Urizel!”)
- “I” (unnamed narrator), obnoxious mushroom-eating punk (“Xenophobia”)
- Chef Irvin, chef at the Pirate Lafitte Grill; G-man's mentor
- Isolde, great-aunt of Benjamin and Lucrece Dubois (THE LAZARUS
- Jack, friend of Nothing who drives him to bus station (LOST SOULS)
- Jack, magazine writer (“Nothing of Him That Doth Fade”)
- Jamaican market lady (“Nailed”)
- Jamie, ex-husband of Rosalie Stubbs (“The Feast of St. Rosalie”)
- Japanese soldier in Shanghai (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- NuShawn Jefferson (a.k.a. N-Word), Terrance's cousin, coke dealer/rapper
- Jeffrey, Dr. Brite's favorite assistant (“Monday's Special”; “O
Death, Where Is Thy Spatula?”)
- Jen, wife of Paul; mother of Bobby (“The Elder”)
- Jesus, transvestite hooker (“Saved”)
- Ji Fung (a.k.a. Siu Ji, Wang Ji Fung, Jenny Lee, Jimmy Lee),
student of Peking Opera in 1930s Hong Kong; later, Hollywood stuntman
(TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Jock, drummer for Fly (“The Ocean”)
- Rondo Johnson, disagreeable old man who lives on Lafitte Avenue
- Jonny, cook; boyfriend of Leah (“The Ash of Memory, the Dust of
- Uncle Jude, ex-boyfriend of Uncle Edna (“Homewrecker”)
- Julie, friend of Nothing who gives him Lost Souls? tape (LOST
- Justin, serial killer in Los Angeles (“Self-Made Man”)
- Kali, goddess of destruction and rebirth (“Calcutta, Lord of Nerves”)
- Karl, maitre d' at Liquor (LIQUOR; THE BIG D)
- Kat, antique buyer (“Nailed”)
- Keith, pre-med student at Tulane (“A Season in Heck”)
- Sal Keller, owner of the Feed-U Diner (THE VALUE OF X)
- Ken, go-go dancer at French Quarter bar (THE VALUE OF X)
- Kendall, bartender at the Hotel Bienvenu (LIQUOR)
- Kennedy, Slidell police detective (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Kid who gives Frank Gray a blowjob in bar bathroom (THE LAZARUS
- Killner, manager of band (“Optional Music for Voice and Piano”)
- Paul Kinder, schoolmate of Seely (“The Goose Girl”)
- King of the Cats, majestic black feline monarch (“King of the Cats”)
- KODEz KID, computer hacker (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Jean Lafitte, privateer ghost (“The Sixth Sentinel”)
- Anthony LaGuerre, singer for the Isle of Man (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Lally, member of band Suncolor Graph (“The Elder”)
- Lam Bao, henchman of Gong Sut Fo (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- LaMonty, cook at the Jolly Corner (THE VALUE OF X)
- Giacomo, Rosalia, and Mary Lastanza, Italian grocer and family
and the Axeman's Jazz”)
- Lau Tung Ho (a.k.a. Master Lau), Peking Opera teacher (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Laura, bartender at the Apostle Bar (LIQUOR)
- Laurel, stepmother of Seely (“The Goose Girl”)
- Leaf, clerk at Bread Basket convenience store in Pass Christian,
- Leah, pregnant girlfriend of Jonny (“The Ash of Memory, the Dust
of Desire”)
- Rose LeBlanc, painter; lover of Anthony (“Essence of Rose”)
- Nicole Lee, Shanghai dance-hall hostess originally from Paris;
wife of Tom Lee; mother of Perique (“Pin Money”)
- Pierre Jean-Luc Lee (a.k.a. “Perique”), Shanghai bon vivant (TRIADS; “Pin
Money”; “Triads”)
- Tom Lee, Shanghai opium importer; father of Perique (“Pin Money”)
- Devlin Lemon, chef/owner of the Lemon Tree (“O Death, Where Is Thy
- Joseph Lethe (a.k.a. Jordan, Stanley Hudson), serial killer;
victimizes transsexuals and transvestites (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Liane, ex-wife of Anthony LaGuerre (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Lin Bai (a.k.a. Betty Lee), student of Peking Opera in 1930s
Hong Kong; always plays women's roles (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Harold Loomis, manager of the Kydds; lover of Seth Grealy (PLASTIC
- Louis, decadent aesthete (“His Mouth Will Taste of Wormwood”)
- Loup, manager of Pink Diamond strip club (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Lucian, keyboard player who lives above French Quarter voodoo
shop (“Missing”)
- Joseph Maggio, Italian grocer in New Orleans (“Mussolini and the
Axeman's Jazz”)
- Maggot in slaughterhouse (“In Vermis Veritas”)
- Mahogany, kind-hearted waitress in diner (“Burn, Baby, Burn”)
- Maitre d' at Shanghai Club (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Mama, mother of Siamese twins (“Angels”)
- Mama, mother of Seely (“The Goose Girl”)
- Mama, mother of Rosalie Smith (“The Sixth Sentinel”)
- Man-headed cat (“America”)
- Marion, adoptive mother of Nothing (LOST SOULS; THE SEED OF LOST
- Mark, Los Angeles TV comedy writer (“Pansu”)
- Mark, bass player for the Kydds (PLASTIC JESUS)
- Marlon, owner of the Jolly Corner (THE VALUE OF X)
- Aaron Marsh, ornithologist; proprietor of the Eye of Horus curiosity/magic
- Denny Marsten, reporter for Corinth Weekly Eye (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Mason, inmate at Painswick Prison (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Dr. Masters, prison doctor, Painswick Prison (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Peyton Masters, frontman of the Kydds (version #2) (PLASTIC JESUS)
- Matt, cook at Liquor (LIQUOR)
- Matthew, leader of murder cult (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Eric Matthew (a.k.a. “Matty”), singer/bassist for the Kydds (version
#1) (“Arise”)
- Jerome McElroy, chef at the Schooner, Portland, Maine; Lenny's
mentor (LIQUOR)
- Bobby McGee, underground comics artist who murders most of his
family and commits suicide (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Frederic Dylan McGee, murdered brother of Trevor (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Rosena Parks McGee, wife of Bobby, mother of Trevor and Didi
- Trevor McGee (a.k.a. Trevor Black), underground comics artist,
son of Bobby McGee (DRAWING BLOOD; “Fuck It, We're Going to Jamaica”; “Vine
of the Soul”)
- Willie McGruder, carny boss, McGruder & Lark's Carnival Show
(“The Freaks”)
- Melissa, little girl who redeems the Bad Mouse (“The Bad Mouse”)
- Miao-Ying, mother of Ji Fung (TRIADS, “Triads”)
- Michael, Siamese twin separated at birth (“Angels”)
- Michele, victim of Joseph Lethe (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Miller, rich old owner of grain mill (“King of the Cats”)
- R.J. Miller, sometime bassist for Missing Mile, NC bands Lost
Souls? and Gumbo (LOST SOULS; DRAWING BLOOD; “The Rest of the Wrong Thing”)
- Mimi, American singer; mistress of Gong Sut Fo (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Mo, bartender at Sundae Dinner, Liquor (LIQUOR; THE BIG D; “A Season
in Heck”)
- Molochai, blood-drinker with a sweet tooth; possibly twin brother
- Momma, mother of Billy (“Saved”)
- Monica, sometime member of Missing Mile, NC band Lost Souls?
- Robyn Moorhead, street vendor of illicit objects (“How To Get Ahead
in New York”)
- George Mouton, murdered uncle of Mike Mouton (LIQUOR)
- Mike Mouton, GM of Escargot's at the Hotel Bienvenu; Rickey's
boss (LIQUOR)
- Wilford “Pinky” Mouton, father of Mike Mouton (LIQUOR)
- Phil Muller, Rickey's roommate at the Culinary Institute of America
- Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy (“Mussolini and the Axeman's
- Nao, Siamese footman (“King of the Cats”)
- Nathan, boyfriend of Aaron Marsh (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Nick, heroic young miller's apprentice (“King of the Cats”)
- Niccolo, guitarist for Fly (“The Ocean”)
- Nineveh, bereaved twin brother of Dylan (“Footprints in the Water”)
- Noel, singer (“Lantern Marsh”)
- Nonny, sideshow hermaphrodite (“The Freaks”)
- Nora, waitress at Marisol (“Marisol”)
- Mrs. Norris, mother of Vincent (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Vincent Norris, New Orleans cop (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Frank Norton (a.k.a. Spider), Secret Service agent (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Nothing (a.k.a. Jason), lost boy looking for his real family
- Noy, boy prostitute in Bangkok (“Self-Made Man”)
- Nurse (“Optional Music for Voice and Piano”)
- Nursing officer, Painswick Prison (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Bobbi Oh, proprietress of Korean restaurant in Los Angeles (“Pansu”)
- Samuel Oh, proprietor of Korean restaurant in Los Angeles (“Pansu”)
- Old man selling sandals in Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Oliver, miller's apprentice (“King of the Cats”)
- Joe Orton, murdered English playwright (“Entertaining Mr. Orton”)
- Charlie Parker, jazz saxophonist; character in comic by Trevor
- Cole Parker, chef at Poivre (LIQUOR; “Poivre”)
- Paul Parsons, cook at Liquor (“A Season in Heck”)
- Paul, member of band Suncolor Graph; father of Bobby (“The Elder”)
- Mr. Payne, hired muscle (LIQUOR)
- Mrs. Margaret Peebles, English teacher (LOST SOULS)
- Laine Petersen, friend of Nothing (LOST SOULS)
- Phil, Noel's friend (“Lantern Marsh”)
- P.J., drummer for band (“Optional Music for Voice and Piano”)
- Mrs. Poche, Jared Poe's landlady (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Jared Poe, photographer (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Polynice, night porter at Crescent (LIQUOR)
- Oskar Potiorek, military governor of Sarajevo (“Mussolini and the
Axeman's Jazz”)
- Elvis Presley, musician and drug addict (“Are You Loathsome Tonight?”)
- Priest who blesses St. Joseph altar at the Apostle Bar; used
to cook at Commander's Palace (LIQUOR)
- Priest at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kenner (“The Feast of St.
- Priest at St. Martin of Tours (THE VALUE OF X)
- Priest at Vermilion Parish church (“Bayou de la Mère”)
- Gavrilo Princip, Serbian assassin of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand
(“Mussolini and the Axeman's Jazz”)
- Prison governor, Painswick Prison (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- George Prudhomme, land developer (“Lantern Marsh”)
- Dr. Jonathan Pumphrey, Seth Grealy's psychiatrist (PLASTIC JESUS)
- Pyrokinetic man, Bureau for Paranormal Research & Development
(“Burn, Baby, Burn”)
- Franzz Quaffka, fashion designer (“Vine of the Soul”)
- Rao, Siamese footman (“King of the Cats”)
- Lucas Ransom (a.k.a. Lush Rimbaud), novelist; pirate radio talk
show host; ex-lover of Tran (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Arkady Raventon, proprietor of French Quarter voodoo shop (LOST
- Ashley Raventon, murdered brother of Ashley (LOST SOULS)
- Mr. Reemer, hired muscle (LIQUOR)
- Mrs. Reilly, math teacher at Frederick Douglass High School (THE
- Reporter at Stonewall riots, NYC (PLASTIC JESUS)
- Richelle, Parisian lover of Arkady Raventon (LOST SOULS)
- John Randolph Rickey, cook, chef/owner of Liquor; longtime partner
of Gary Stubbs (THE VALUE OF X; LIQUOR; “Four Flies and a Swatter”; “Bayou
de la Mère”; “A Season in Heck”; “The Heart of New Orleans”)
- Oskar Rickey, father of John Rickey (THE VALUE OF X)
- Rima, bartender at Sacred Yew nightclub in Missing Mile, NC;
fired for stealing from till (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Azarias Ritchell, persecutor of Jack Hummingbird (“The Ring”)
- Rob, co-owner of New York antique shop; lover of Axel (“Nailed”)
- Robert, little boy killed by twins (LOST SOULS)
- Robert, obnoxious mushroom-eating punk (“Xenophobia”)
- Christopher Lance Robicheaux (a.k.a. “Puss,” “The Artist”), heir
to chemical fortune; serial killer (“Toxic Wastrels”)
- Claude Augustine Robicheaux, father of Puss and Ivor; founder
of Robicheaux Chemicals (“Toxic Wastrels”)
- Ivor Robicheaux, bad-movie aficionado; brother of Puss (“Toxic Wastrels”)
- Rodger, adoptive father of Nothing (LOST SOULS; THE SEED OF LOST
- Roy, crackhead who shoots Linda Getty (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Bill Roy, drummer for the Isle of Man (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Father Russo, priest (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Sammy, guitarist in band (“A Georgia Story”)
- Samuel, Siamese twin separated at birth (“Angels”)
- Mr. Scheinuk, florist (LIQUOR)
- Billy Schiro, former New Orleans Saints running back who retired
in disgrace (“The Feast of St. Rosalie”)
- Sid Schwanz, racetrack habitué and Times-Picayune reporter
- Seely (Drusilla), unhappy goth girl (“The Goose Girl”)
- Seymour (real name: Reginald), husband of Dr. Brite (“O Death, Where
Is Thy Spatula?”; “Marisol”; “The Heart of New Orleans”)
- Russell Sheffland, driver who picks up hitchhiking Nonny and
Zorro (“The Freaks”)
- Liz Sherman (copyright Mike Mignola), pyrokinetic (“Burn, Baby,
- Simon, miller's apprentice (“King of the Cats”)
- Singer/unnamed protagonist (“Optional Music for Voice and Piano”)
- Sioux, friend of Nothing (LOST SOULS)
- Skeletal Sammy, character in Bobby McGee's comic Birdland (DRAWING
- Skills chef, instructor at CIA (THE VALUE OF X)
- Ed Slopes (a.k.a. Uncle Edna), slaughterhouse employee (“Homewrecker”)
- Rosalie Smith (a.k.a. “Hard Luck Rosalie”), French Quarter stripper
(“The Sixth Sentinel”)
- Mrs. Sondra, dessert lady at Escargot's (LIQUOR)
- Countess Sophie, wife of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand (“Mussolini
and the Axeman's Jazz”)
- Spooky, biker who shoots up with Nothing (LOST SOULS)
- Dougal St. Clair, French Market vendor; friend of Zachary Bosch
- John St. John (a.k.a. “Saint”), drummer in band (“A Georgia Story”)
- St. Gulik, BBS sysop (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Cooper Stark, CIA alumnus and New York celebrity chef (THE VALUE
- Street musician who tries to help Tran (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Elmer Stubbs, father of Gary, Rosalie, Henry, Carl, Little Elmer,
Mary Louise; manager at Tante Lou's Confections (THE VALUE OF
- Gary Francis Stubbs (a.k.a. “G-man”), cook, sous chef/owner of Liquor;
longtime partner of John Rickey (THE VALUE OF X; LIQUOR; “Bayou de
la Mère”; “A Season in Heck”; “The Feast of St. Rosalie”)
- Henry Stubbs, father of Matthew; brother of Gary et al. (“The Heart
of New Orleans”)
- Leonetta Stubbs, mother of Matthew; wife of Henry (“The Heart of
New Orleans”)
- Mary Rose Stubbs, mother of Gary, Rosalie, Henry, Carl, Little
Elmer, Mary Louise (THE VALUE OF X; THE BIG D)
- Matthew Stubbs, drowned 5-year-old; would-be writer; nephew of
Gary et al. (“The Heart of New Orleans”)
- Rosalie Stubbs, sister of Gary et al. (THE VALUE OF X; “The Feast
of St. Rosalie”)
- Eli Stiles, singer for Fly (“The Ocean”)
- Mrs. Stone, mother of Thomas and Violet (“The Curious Case of Miss
Violet Stone”)
- Thomas Stone, apprentice cook at the Grand Hotel; brother of
Violet (“The Curious Case of Miss Violet Stone”)
- Violet Stone, girl who has eaten nothing for three years (“The Curious
Case of Miss Violet Stone”)
- Suko, boy prostitute from Thailand (“Self-Made Man”)
- Eddy Sung, French Quarter stripper; friend of Zachary Bosch (DRAWING
- Susan, follower of Matthew (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Lance Taliaferro, New Orleanas City Councilman (LIQUOR)
- Tanker, chef de cuisine at Sundae Dinner, pastry chef at Liquor
(LIQUOR; THE BIG D; “A Season in Heck”)
- Tedd, ex-boyfriend of Kat (“Nailed”)
- Theo, pastry chef (“Nothing of Him That Doth Fade”)
- Theophile Thibodeaux, murdered boyfriend of Rosalie Smith (“The
Sixth Sentinel”)
- Wallace Thibodeaux, New Orleans police detective; partner of
- Thomas, murdered brother of Gideon (“Nailed”)
- Pam Tierney, Orleans Parish coroner (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Timmy, cook at the Jolly Corner (THE VALUE OF X)
- Tommy, DJ at Pink Diamond strip club (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Tommy, elder son of Rosalie Stubbs (THE VALUE OF X; “The Feast of
St. Rosalie”)
- Tony, manager of Terrio's Po-Boy's (THE VALUE OF X)
- Tonya, mistress of John Henry Harrod (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Samuel Edward Toole, graduate student in physics; American tourist
in London; victim of Andrew Compton (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Tran Vinh, acid dealer; ex-lover of Lucas Ransom; perfect victim
- Truong Van Tran (a.k.a. T.V.), Vietnamese restaurateur; father
- Twig, blood-drinker with a sweet tooth; possibly twin brother
- Twins, weird-ass energy-suckers (LOST SOULS)
- Tyler, mysterious visitor to Missing Mile (“The Rest of the Wrong
- Jim Unger, New Orleans police detective who helped to railroad
- Julie Unger, wife of Jim (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- Urizel, some kind of witch (“O Urizel!”)
- Paco Valdeon, chef at the Peychaud Grill; Rickey's mentor (LIQUOR)
- Janis Vazquez, co-owner of Marisol (“Marisol”)
- Peter Vazquez, chef/owner of Marisol (“Marisol,” “Poivre”)
- Verna, town hussy (“Homewrecker”)
- Victoria, girlfriend of Terry Buckett (DRAWING BLOOD; “The Rest
of the Wrong Thing”)
- Shake Vojtaskovic, cook at Liquor (LIQUOR; THE BIG D; “A Season
in Heck”)
- Junior doctor Waring, assistant to Dr. Drummond; serial killer
- Terrell Washington, schoolmate of Gary and Rickey (THE VALUE
- Wardell, night porter at Liquor (LIQUOR)
- Dr. James Watson, associate of Sherlock Holmes (“The Curious Case
of Miss Violet Stone”)
- Mr. Webb, Trevor McGee's art teacher at Boys' Home (DRAWING BLOOD)
- Marjory Marie West, victim of Joseph Lethe (THE LAZARUS HEART)
- White cop who gives Tran back to Jay (EXQUISITE CORPSE)
- Johnny Wiegers, Missing Mile, NC man maimed in Vietnam (DRAWING
- Willem, would-be writer from Amsterdam (“Entertaining Mr. Orton”)
- Willy, redneck who tries to stop Steve Finn from robbing Coke
machine (LOST SOULS)
- Witch, mother of narrator (“O Urizel!”)
- “You,” unnamed serial killer (“Becoming the Monster”)
- Mrs. Yuan, housekeeper of Herbert Hinchcliffe (TRIADS; “Triads”)
- Joe Zanca, wholesale Italian grocer, LIQUOR
- John Zanca, bread deliveryman (“Mussolini and the Axeman's Jazz”)
- Zared, singer of band Suncolor Graph (“The Elder”)
- Zee, follower/lover of Matthew (“The Crystal Empire”)
- Zillah, father of Nothing (LOST SOULS; THE SEED OF LOST SOULS)
- Zombi, hacker who warns Zach that authorities are after him (DRAWING
- Zora, mother of Mahogany; opens her home to runaway kids (“Burn,
Baby, Burn”)
- Zorro, sideshow Skeleton Man (“The Freaks”)